A Celebration 75 Years in the Making
Plan to join us as we celebrate 75 years of supporting the National Park Service in the beautiful setting of Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield!
Enjoy an evening of dinner, music, a living history encampment, and the thrilling spectacle of cannon fire, all while contributing to the foundation’s mission.
Your sponsorship is vital to the success of this event and our ongoing efforts to preserve and protect this historic battlefield. For more information about sponsorship, contact Melissa Adler at madler@wilsonscreek.com or (417) 861-9905.
When: Saturday, June 7, 2025
Where: Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield
Diamond Sponsor $5,000
- Top promotional billing
- Two tables of eight (8)
- VIP tour of the battlefield a group of up to 16 people, date and time TBD
Silver Sponsor $2,500
- Recognition at event and online
- Table of eight
Sustaining Sponsor $1,000
- Recognition at event and online
- Four tickets
Friend of the Foundation $500
- Recognition in printed program
- Two tickets
Individual Tickets $75
Children Under Twelve $5
Volunteers $20