The National Park Service invites everyone to get to know their national parks during National Park Week by waiving entrance fees during April 22-26, 2013, so visitors can enjoy all 401 national park areas. Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield will waive the usual $5.00 per individual or $10.00 per vehicle entrance fee for the entire period of time. This year’s theme is “Did you know…” provides a way to discover the wonders of America’s national parks. Did you know that the Battle of Wilson’s Creek:
- …was the first battle of the Civil War west of the Mississippi River.
- …resulted in the death of the General Nathaniel Lyon, the first Union general to be killed during the Civil War.
- …saw the Ray House used as a hospital for treating wounded following the battle.
- …involved soldiers from Louisiana, Kansas, Texas, Iowa and Missouri.
- …was called “Oak Hills” by the Confederates.
Also, Saturday, April 27, is National Junior Ranger Day, with special programs offered for the younger visitors. We encourage you to bring your children out to earn their very own Junior Ranger badge! The park’s regular fees will apply that day.